
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2020

Why did you choose this career?

 Since I was a child, I liked to go to museums and learn about history. Also I love meet new places, is very exciting to me, travel is one of my favorite things. However, I always thought thata was only a hobbie, nothing important.  When I was 15 years old, I decided that I wanted to be a lawyer, I tought it was the perfect career for me, so I began to study a lot. Then, a few months before the PSU I started to have doubts about my future. I though that te best idea was to search a new career, something that I really love.  When I found anthropology, I knew it was for me, I researched a lot about this career and I chose it. Now i'm totally in love with this career, I think that is very interesting and I learn about things that really like me. I would like be an archaeologist and travel for all the world for learn about other cultures.

My Autobiography

  I am Raquel Zuñiga Bauerle, my birth is on april 11 and I'm 18 years old. I was born in Parral, Chile and I've lived my whole life there. I've lived wiht my parents and my big brother, I also have a sister but she is older than my brother and i, so she lives alone in Santiago. At elementary and high school, I studied at Colegio San Jose de Parral, a catholic school in my town. Now, i'm studyin first year of anthropology at Universidad de Chile. In my free time I like to watch series and movies on Netflix or in another streaming platform.  I love Quentin Tarantino and Stanley Kubrick movies, i think that they are very fascinating.