What's Like to Study Anthropology?



I study anthropology, in a few words, this career and profession are dedicated to the study of how human beings relate to the environment in which they live, analyzing their culture, social structure, their relationship with nature, etc.  
The reason why I chose this career is that is interesting to me to understand how men think and act in a certain social context. Also, this knowledge is very useful, because understanding a context in depth, allows us to establish dialogues between the different parts of society and also helps us to think of appropriate solutions to problems related to political and social demands. 
Studying this career online is very frustrating because I have missed a lot of things, such as field trips, laboratories, and visits from important academics to the university. One of the difficulties of having online classes is that I have to do group work constantly and since I do not know my classmates it is more difficult to organize. As for my learning, with online classes, it is very difficult for me to concentrate and perform academically. This is because spending all day in front of my computer screen, I burn out faster, my back hurts, my eyesight and I lose all motivation to study.



  1. I hope everything improves soon and that we can have face-to-face classes unu


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