Postgraduate Studies

 In the future, about two years after graduating from university, I would like to take a postgraduate study, as a master for example. At the moment, I would like to take a master's in something related to bioanthropology, public politics, or social work of the kind of working with communities and dialogue with them. I would also like very much to specialize in areas that would allow me to work with current problems, especially of the social type, or to work in a more scientific and laboratory area.

The reason why I would like to do a master's degree in the future is that as a social scientist I must be constantly learning new things and this type of study would allow me to acquire new and more specialized knowledge.

I would like to take this studies abroad because, in this way, I would get to know other interesting places, cultures, landscapes, societies, a new language, so I would get to know many more than the subjects that the course would teach. As for the place, I would like to go to study in countries like Mexico, Spain, Germany, Italy, and England. I chose these countries because I have always wanted to know them, and also they have interesting archaeological sites and also a long history in the discipline of anthropology.

Finally, I would like my course to be intensive, so I would dedicate myself fully and put all my energy into learning. Having a job and doing a master's degree at the same time can be very exhausting because you have to fulfill your work and at the same time, fulfill the university assignments and subjects.


  1. Study abroad to meet other countries, good idea! I would like to do uwu


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