An Anthropologist That I Admire


Rita Segato is an important anthropologist and feminist activist, she was born in 1951 in Argentina, she graduated from the Universidad de Buenos Aires and currently she lives in Brazil, where she works as a teacher at Universidad de Brasilia. 

Segato has dedicated a big part of her life to research about the gender violence, race and coloniality, focusing on a latin and spanish context. Her most remarkable publications are: “La crítica de la colonialidad en ocho ensayos y una antropología por demanda” (2015), “Las estructuras elementales de la violencia” (2003), “El sexo y la norma: frente estatal, patriarcado, desposesión, colonidad.” (2014), “La guerra contra las mujeres”, among others. 

Due to her contributions, wich have been in charge of sustaining the feminst theory, make it visible in a scholar and international field and spread it with new approaches and perspectives, that she is considered like one of the most important exponents of the feminst theory in America Latina. 

I like her because she since her field has ensured has been in charge of the research about problems that have affected women for centuries, and that pose a big challenge for the contemporary society, due to the effort made to overcome them  and so that we can all live in a less hostile and violent environment.


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